Get ready to step into a supercharged version of you...

Coronavirus has shown us vividly and painfully just how essential it is to safeguard our health and prevent chronic disease. During this challenging time, the question is how can we strengthen our inner core that keeps us strong and resilient.

Did you know that some of the simplest things we can do to improve our health are things we can do at home? Are you interested in supporting your own health? Would you like to benefit from simple actionable ideas on how to increase your well-being? Then this study is for you!

Get ready to step into a supercharged version of you...

Some of the most important things we can do to promote our inner health relate to such lifestyle behaviours as sleep, nutrition, hydration, stress management and physical activity. However, many of the above health behaviours are habitual, and adjusting the way we eat, how we exercise, the way we go to bed at night etc is often difficult because it means changing deeply ingrained habits that we’ve built over the course of years or even a lifetime. 

While you may think that information and willpower are enough to support long lasting behavioural changes, leveraging evidence-based strategies for habit change is what can really help you be successful.

Join this 20-minute webinar to get empowered with evidence-based information on simple changes that can benefit our health which you can implement today. The webinar is UNIQUE as it also gets you to engage in a short exercise at the end to help you change old habits and build new ones.

The webinar is part of the study run by a graduate student in psychology at Harvard University’s Division of Continuing Education. Please take a minute after the webinar to answer a few multiple choice questions to help advance our understanding of tools that can assist us in changing daily habits.

Your health is in your hands and this short webinar will give you the tools and techniques to transform your well-being and to step into a supercharged version of you. Sign up now!